Welcome to Luminary Divination

I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m Megan Gonzalez (she/her), a psychic intuitive who’s deeply intrigued by esoteric mysteries, energy healing, and divination. I specialize in reading Tarot and Oracle cards as my medium for channeling messages and find the readings I provide offer insight into the energetic knots holding you back while also providing clarity, comfort, and guidance forward to your highest good. I’m also a certified Reiki master, Death Doula, guided meditation enthusiast, and Co-Host on the New Moon Review podcast. I’ve been reading cards since I was 13 years old and currently do readings in person out of Practical Magick’s shop, virtually over Zoom, at festivals, markets, and at various public & private events across Vermont. I also have the pleasure of teaching the intuitive Tarot focused Major Arcana Archetypal Series, for more on this check out my classes & events page.

I offer intuitive tarot card readings that incorporate the use of Usui Reiki energy. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have!

With love,

Megan Gonzalez

Vintage decorated end table with mirror
Female doing a tarot card reading.
Assortment of occult items on wooden floor



  1. the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.

    "the Celtic art of divination"

    Similar: fortune telling, divining, foretelling the future, or forecasting the future

New Moon Review Podcast

Be sure to check out my new educational podcast New Moon Review, where my wonderful co-host Amy and I share advice for the upcoming moon cycle, feature tarot & animal + spirit communication sessions, have conversations about witchy topics, conduct guest interviews with magickal folks, and more.

New episodes drop every New Moon.